Tales of time travel have intrigued me since The Time Machine film scared the crap out of me at my cousin Ron's ninth birthday party. Now The Time Traveler's Wife, a novel from 2003 and film from 2009, has resurfaced in series form on HBO.
Emily St. John Mandel's new novel Sea of Tranquility also follows a time traveler, across five centuries. The tale begins in 1912 in Canada and ends, if you look at time as linear rather than looped, in a dark, domed moon colony. The author wrote Station Eleven, so I was thrilled that she has a new book. Although it's fiction, events during the middle time period unfold during a pandemic. It is an eerily familiar backdrop.
The Star Trek Futuristic Precedent
The #1 rule of time travel: you can't go back and change anything. A poignant demonstration of this edict is "The City on the Edge of Forever," considered by some to be the best installment of any Star Trek series ever. It was the penultimate episode of the first season, debuting on NBC on April 6, 1967 and written by Harlan Ellison.
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